Placemet Papers of Various Companies

Placement Papers

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Future Soft Placement Paper Sample

1.Access time of a drum of 4000rpm?

2.Allocation units for Automatic,Global and Static variables.

a) Stack, Heap, Heap
b) Heap, Stack, Heap
c)Stack, Heap, Stack

3.Where are the automatic variables stored and when it is removed?

4.FUNC(x,y) John Jacob

John->main function

a) No of times the FUNC is called
b) Place where the FUNC is called
c) Type of return value
d) Type of actual parameters
e) Type of formal parameters

5.What's the string represented by the DFA

6. Hardware is used in memory management for reallocation ……
ans c)To reduce execution time.

7. Question using macros something like this logic:

int a[10]={60,57,10,5,4,3,2,8,9};

main( )
int varx,vary;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)>

print(int (*) ( ));
int a=40;
void main( )
print(fn( ));
print(fn( ));
print(int (*fn)( ))
printf("%d",fn( ));
printf("%d",fn( ));
int fn( )
/*static int i=15*/
return (i-=5);

What is the output of above program when the comment is present.
What is the output of above program when the comment is absent.

10.where the following variable allocates


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